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On November 8, 1969, a new chapter of the AOMCI was formed. The group of both long-standing and novice motor enthusiasts met in the beautiful new auditorium of the Waukegan (Illinois) Public Library. We voted to name the club the Midwest Chapter of the AOMC, Inc. It was felt that the name had a wider scope than the one we had been using temporarily (The Tri-State Association) and would encourage new members from the entire section of the country as well as the initial group from Illinois and Wisconsin.


The first meeting was devoted primarily to organization. Officer elected to serve the group for the 1969-70 year were: William Rose (Waukegan, Illinois), President; Ray Machen (Brookfield, Wisconsin), Vice President-Historian; and Mrs. Lynn Sallee (Winneconne, Wisconsin), Secretary-Treasurer.





AOMCI Midwest Chapter • N7852 West Shore Drive, Elkhorn, WI 53121 •

© 2022 Midwest Chapter

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